Elon Musk Calls Remote Work “Bullsh*t” and “Morally Wrong”


While I am quite a fan of Elon Musk for his entrepreneurial prowess and his courage to revolutionaries the world.

However, he said something quite interesting in his interview:

“It’s like, it’s like really? You’re gonna work from home and you’re gonna make everyone else who made your car come work in the factory? You’re gonna make people who make your food that gets delivered – they can’t work from home? The people that come fix your house? They can’t work from home, but you can?! Does that seem morally right? That’s messed up.”

Elon Musk, Tesla, SpaceX and Twitter CEO

Not sure where does the “Morally Wrong” comes from but from my own experience,

Remote work let me get more done without all of the interruptions and distractions the office had – people stopping by your desk to BS, the noise, etc.

So what do you think?

Is remote work “Morally Wrong”?

Antony Asked question May 29, 2024
Write your answer.