Money Mind

All things money, all things life, and all things matter to us in both our professional and personal life. Not legal advice, not financial advice, not health advice but just great resources to help us in our daily lives.


Money and us in both our personal and professional life.


Employment legal-related matters that keep us awake at night.

Money and Legal Matters

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Money is the medium that we use to exchange for things that; we want, need, or desire. And the law is what we use to govern our society where an order is created; to the things, to the events, to the people. Money and legal matters because;

  1. Affect the way we live our life.
  2. Affect the way we plan our career.
  3. Affect the way we pursue our dreams.
  4. Affect the way we are treated by others.
  5. Affect the way we see the world.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Winston Churchill

Money Mind

How Much Money to be Happy, According to Science

How Much Money Do You Need To Be Happy?

Does having more money means you’ll be happier? Scientist don’t think so, having more money doesn’t always make you happier, but having the right amount of money do!

How to resign during bond period without paying bond

Resigning During Bond Period?

Escaping from a company bond? Resigning when you are still having a bond can be quite tricky, but there are a few ways you can quit your job while you are serving a bond.