Working from home is here to stay, and this work arrangement has helped many employees maintain a good work-life balance.

But some remote workers struggled to stay motivated or draw clear boundaries between work time and free time when working in a non-traditional office setting.

Working from home can have its own set of challenges, but you can have the power of choice to help improve your well-being while working from home.

How to stay motivated working from home

Working from home can be both a blessing and a curse.

On one hand, you have the freedom to work in your pajamas and take breaks whenever you want.

On the other hand, it can be hard to stay motivated when there are no clear boundaries between work and home.

Let’s revolutionize your remote workday with these simple ways to stay highly motivated while working from home.

1. Dress Up for Work

Dressing up for work is a big part of helping remote workers stay motivated. Remote workers who dress up for work can actually lead to a more productive work environment. When employees dress up for work, they feel more professional and take their jobs more seriously.

Whether you are a man or woman, when we dress for success, we’re more likely to show up and act more productive. What we wear when we work helps us to become more focused and productive.

Why you shouldn’t work in your pajamas?

Although, working from home may mean that we can work in our pajamas, and it might seem like the holy grail of dress codes, staying in your pajamas, or activewear all day can reduce your motivation.

Pajamas have some negative connotations associated with them and thus affecting how we behave. We will start to feel lazy, and demotivated for work, which leads to reduced productivity and low activity level.

Having said so, no need to ditch those comfy clothes just yet!

Try putting on a soft, loose chiffon blouse or an open-necked collared shirt over a pair of relaxed-fit pants.

You’ll be surprised what the change can do for your morale.

2. Create a Positive Work Environment

Are you trying to work in front of the TV, hiding in your kid’s bedroom, or hunched at a corner of the kitchen table?

Having a separate workspace that is vibrant and organized allows you to feel motivated at work, and feel more professional when working remotely.

  • Avoid noisy areas.
  • Turn off the TV.
  • Limit distractions.

Creating a home office that suits you will help motivate you in your work.

Depending on your living situation, this workspace can look different for different people. It can look like a room that no one comes in during the day or an office where you can shut the door. Knowing where to set up your home office is the key.

Making your workspace conducive to work will go a long way toward enhancing your motivation and fostering productivity.

3. Touch Base with Your Coworkers

Working from home can be lonely. Without a lively office scene, there’s no chance to dress up and catch up in person. No chitchat over cubicles or coffee.

For more extroverted people, this is one of the most challenging things about working from home.

If you work for a company (instead of as a self-employed or freelance worker), you probably have colleagues that you’ve developed a relationship with over time.

Before starting your workday, sending a couple of messages to check in with work friends can help make you feel more like part of the team.

It’s also a great way to get some pep in your step that energizes your brain to tackle those projects. 

4. Block Out Your Work Time

Successfully working from home means that you need to master organization and concentration.

Set aside a chunk of time dedicated to working.

This can look different depending on your home situation and other commitments.

  • Maybe you can work straight from 9-5 with just a few breaks.
  • Maybe you can only work before the kids get up when they’re in school, or after they go to bed.

If you have the flexibility, find the best time of day that works for you. Then block out that period and focus entirely on work.  

5. Minimize Interruptions and Avoid Distractions 

Digital distractions are just one of the many things that interrupt our workflow, throw us off track, and sap our energy. The more you can minimize these interruptions, the more productive your day will be.

In order for you to minimize interruptions and avoid distractions, you’ll need to reduce visual, audio, or other external stimuli. These can intrude on your workflow and make it hard to get motivated to work.

Examples of interruptions and distractions

  • Email keeps pinging with clickable notifications about travel, political brushfires, or spa days.
  • An itch to check social media hits.
  • Having coffee cravings every 2 or 3 minutes.
  • Friends and family keep calling you during work hours.

How to minimize interruptions and avoid distractions?

There are many ways that can help you concentrate on your work and help you feel more motivated at work.

  • Getting a dedicated workspace will make it easier to shut the door and avoid distractions if you work from home in an environment shared by roommates or family.
  • Plugging in earbuds or putting on noise-canceling headphones are a great way to avoid any distributions due to unwanted noise.
  • Turn your phone off or set it on vibrate during work hours. Setting your phone to charge somewhere out of sight works, too.
  • Turn your phone notifications to vibrate or commit to checking your phone only during set break periods.
  • Let your family and friends know that your working hours will not be available unless it is for an emergency.

6. Take a Break

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or completely uninspired, take some time off to clear your head and get a fresh perspective. Our brains are only capable of working at our maximum capacity for no longer than 90 minutes at a time. If you feel burned out, unmotivated, or unable to concentrate on work it’s time to take a break.

Choose an activity that helps you relax and recharge.

  • Take a shower.
  • Grab a cup of coffee.
  • Read a book.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Go to the gym.
  • Play with your family or pet.

You want to stay active when you are working from home, and do something that rejuvenates you, something that can help you return to work with new motivation. 

It’s a good idea to avoid things like binging on an episode of your favorite TV show as you will probably feel even less motivated to work after watching the show.

7. Set Yourself a Challenge

Challenge yourself by setting goals and targets that you know you can achieve. Go back to your workstation and set a timer for 15 minutes, half an hour, or an hour. See how much work you can complete during that timeframe.

If you complete more than you thought, then set a new target. Repeat this process until you hit your target.

This is a great way to get motivated and will give you some ideas of things that can be improved upon.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Can you complete that project due on Friday?
  • How many emails can you answer?
  • How many projects can you complete?

While you are challenging yourself take a step back, take a deep breath and look at the bigger picture.

Keep in mind that the purpose isn’t to rush, since it’s likely that your company wants to see qualitative as well as quantitative work.

8. Reward Yourself

If you’re struggling to find the motivation to complete a project, you may try creating small milestones where you will get rewarded by achieving each of these milestones. This can help you move closer to the finish line.

Give yourself simple rewards such as:

  • Give yourself a piece of chocolate
  • Get a cup of your favorite tea
  • Short relaxation with a movie or hot bath
  • Listen to an interesting podcast.
  • Meet up with a friend.
  • Get a spa night

Reward yourself after you’ve accomplished a milestone such as completing a section of a book, a project, or giving a presentation.

This can help you stay inspired, give you something to look forward to, and provide the psychological boost that you need to stay motivated until the end of the day.

Are you ready to stay motivated working from home?

If you’re like most people, the idea of working from home is incredibly appealing. You can wear whatever you want, take breaks whenever you want, and work at your own pace.

But in reality, it’s not always as fun and easy as it seems. It can be tough to stay motivated when you’re not in an office setting with coworkers.

There are many ways to stay motivated while working from home.

By creating a routine, staying organized, and setting goals, you can make the most of your work-from-home experience.

Remember to take breaks and enjoy your time away from the office.

And lastly, don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to stay motivated and productive while working from home!

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