Where should I put my Desk in my home office?


While there is no definitive answer to where is the best place to setup your desk for your home office, here are some general tips to consider:

  • Place your desk in an area with minimal foot traffic to minimize any possible distraction.
  • Should be located in an area that is well ventilated, and has good light. Natural light is preferable.
  • Place your desk in a way that gives you a view of the door. This is called the “commanding position” and it can help you feel more in charge and less stressed.
  • Place your desk in a way that suits your work needs and style with minimal movement required to get your work done.
  • For collaboration with other people in the same workspace, you may want to have a seating area near your desk, or if you need to access different equipment or supplies, you may want to have them within reach.

Ultimately, the best desk placement for your home office is the one that makes you feel comfortable, productive, and happy.

Sounds good? What other best practice do you have when setting up your remote space?

Antony Chan Asked question January 20, 2024
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